
All cheeses from our dairy and other typical regional products can be ordered and delivered by courier in the period from November to late April. Orders can be placed by e-mail or by phone.

We also offer selections from aged cheeses. Some of them have matured more than seven years.

We can prepare an attractive gift for Christmas - Christmas decorated wine and selected cheese for a memorable and tasty Christmas.

For orders and information:

"Rodopa milk" Dairy, Smilyan village

Tel.: +359 888 75 91 02 - Milkana Yordanova


Tel.: +359 888 78 42 37 - Ivaylo Yordanov



Company stalls and shops offering our products:

  • Plovdiv:
  1. The Company Store “MLEKARNITSA” - Plovdiv, Asen Zlatarov 13 Str.(behind Water Chamber). Contact phone and orders: 0879 99 96 48
  2. MLEKARNITSATA Orbit M - Plovdiv, Tsar Kaloyan Str. 19 - ORBIT-M


  • Burgas:
  1. Ivaylo Str. 26 - Krasnodar - Central Market
  2. Lazur complex – (next to the high blocks) - the former "Sarah"
  3. Slaveikov’smarket - near the traffic lights
  4. Hristo Fotev Str. 96 - at the intersection of ul. Kaloyan, behind the Red Cross
  5. Slaveyskov complex, bl. 172;


  • Sofia:


  1. Shop "Gourmet" - Sofia, Gotse Delchev district, ul. Kostenski waterfall 45 /near "Stoychev" dental clinic /. Contact phone and orders: 0898 33 03 04
  2. NEW !!! Shop "Gourmet" - Sofia, East district, J.Kjuri Str. Contact phone and orders: 0898 33 03 04
  3. Shop "ORGANIC AREA" - Sofia,., Bigla Str. 4 (the Cross junction between Boulevard. James Baucher blvd., Cherni Vruh blvd. and Bigla Str. / opposite the Energoproekt /). Contact phone and orders: 0889 20 20 77
  4. MLEKARNITSATA shop for Rodopi dairy and delicatessen products- Sofia. Manastirski meadows residential complex, Pirin str. 81 bl. 42
  5. Kaufland - Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora;
  6. Grocery store - Sofia, Banat str. 17, Refrigerator district. Tel. Contact and orders: 0897 93 37 73


  • Varna:
  1. Company shop "Rodopa Milk" on St. Nikola Mihajlovski str. 17 , under "Sinchets" sweetshop. Contact phone and orders: 0888 78 42 37
  2. Company shop "Rodopa Milk", Prague Str. 2, under "Blue Market". Phone and orders: 0888 78 42 37


  • Kavarna:
  1. Shop "Natural" - Kavarna city, Bulgaria Str. 30, Tel. Contact and orders: 0885 95 59 21

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